Monday, July 09, 2007

Monday Stocks to Watch

Again the market is marching higher. Many new names broke out of the trading ranges as well. The bull is raging and roaring on the street. Sticks with the winners, and use the fund from the losers to pick up more winners. (SMTX) is an example of strong winner. It was profiled multiple times on my blog from around $4 (3 weeks ago) to last week of $7.30. Now it is about $8. Almost 100% gain in about a month. Not bad return at all. I believe this one more legs to go until earning time, and perhaps more to come depending on the earning report. From the trading pattern look and feel, it will have great earning coming.

Other Stocks to Worth:
(FSLR) - Big contract and upgrade
(TEX) - Upgrade and in strong industry
(GMCR) - 3-to-1 split coming
(TASR) - Remember this one? It is on the radar screen of many now

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